Thursday, 19 January 2012


Meaning: generous, good
Synonyms: compassionate, friendly, gracious, loving, thoughtful – to name a few.
Antonyms: bad, bitter, cruel, inconsiderate, unfriendly, ungenerous

Being kind should come easily. I remember being in high school. We would have these books going around, I do not remember what we called them, but in these books we would write what we thought about other people. This does not sound very kind, but all of our names were in there and it was all in fun. In these books we always put “kind” next to a person’s name we liked. Looking back, the ones with all the KINDS beside their name were always the ones who were inconsiderate, talked behind your back or frowned when something good happened to someone other than them. Maybe we put kind down because we didn’t want to admit how we really felt about those people. We were giving out this emotion as a title not as a feeling and we all wanted to be considered “kind”. I believe that to some extent we are all kind……but do we “feel” kind aka generous? This is the question.
Kind should of course be an emotion that we feel daily, it should not need to be forced. Think about it, isn’t kind a part of who we really are. It is natural to frown when others win out over us, this does not mean that we are secretly unkind. It simply means that we are capable of feeling many things and it is ok to “go there” once in a while.
Of course there will be times in life when we experience feelings of bitterness, cruelty and unfairness. We all raise our voices at those we love because they are simply “in our way”. We may swear at an unbeknownst driver for cutting us off. We lie to get our way, and curse our neighbor because he always gets the breaks. I have done all of this. Sometimes I have these great conversations in my mind where I tell the people I am angry at exactly what I think about them. Am I still holding the emotion “kind” while I have these thoughts or do these things? I believe so, yes. I believe with all of my heart that kind is a part of human nature. Some of us just let go for too long and in doing so begin to thrive on cruelty.
Some rules would be:
Rule One: Generous people attract kindness. Kind people bring out generosity in others.
Rule Two: Be extra kind at least once a day, this means going out of your way for someone else. Being cruel is exhausting.
I believe that the world is made up of kind people. I was raised in a family where prayer was highly recommended. I too recommend prayer being part of your daily life, but you see, my family prayed for all the bad people in the world and I was told to keep praying because the world is a sad place filled with mean people. It took years of practice but today I do not see the world as being a scary place filled with rotten people. To me the world is filled with kindness. I mean really, look around you. We come together for so many causes. We donate to flood victims, raise money for the poor, help the lost, and fulfill the wishes of those who are dying. And these are just a few of the many, many things we do daily. These are wonderful things, done by wonderful people, who are living their life based on the emotion “kind”. It is true that there may be a few bad apples amongst us, but is it true that they do not know kind?. Maybe these people need someone to be extra kind to them today. Maybe these “bad” people “went there” and haven’t come back. Maybe, just maybe, we can help someone come back today.
I do not feel that I need to live each day choosing kind as an emotion. I feel as if “kind” has chosen me. What I need to know is that I can always go a little further and be a little more thoughtful. I do not want to take this emotion for granted. I want to be gracious in my giving and loving in my living.
Rule Three: Remember the bad apple; a little thought into how you slice it and it may still be saved.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Dictionary meaning: wealthy, having an abundance of wealth
Synonyms: loaded, upscale, stinking rich, upper-class, well-to-do, well of
Antonyms: destitute, needy, poor

Affluent is an emotion¿ Wow! I did not know this. I didn’t even really know the meaning of the word to tell the truth. I did however come face to face with its antonym, needy, many a time. How often do we go about our day feeling needy and poor? Too often. “Oh poor, poor me,” we complain. And I am not referring to money, as you may have guessed.
I have a friend who lives by the motto, “The grass is not always greener on the other side.” I believe that it is by going against this statement that we find ourselves needy and poor. Looking back I feel as if I have lived most of my life trying to force things to happen. It is when we don’t wait to see the outcome that we feel needy. Waiting, they say, is the hardest part, but really it is much harder emotionally when we realize that we did not get the things we wanted because we tried to force them to happen. The flow of life brings all that is necessary for us to live enriched lives. Forcing things to happen prolongs happiness. Wouldn`t be wonderful if we could remember this daily¿ It is hard, but we can try!
This blog is about emotions and how to use the positive in our lives. With this in mind, here is what I really want to write…
Wealth is not measured by material possessions. We should all know this; I mean it has been written about millions of times. Yet we all need to be reminded, don’t we? The wealthiest people I have ever met are rich in spirit and values. They have a positive belief system, and a dedicated energy that explodes in brilliant light from their every pore. These people do not care about how many things they own, whether they are driving the latest car, or what make of shoes is on their feet. People who live “affluent” every day believe that riches are a part of their personality, not their wallet. These people go out of their way for others. These are the people you can trust, count on, and believe in. These affluent beings know themselves. They succeed because they have been wealthy inside all along.
I do not see myself as a material individual. I do however admit to wondering about the grass on the other side of the fence all too often. Sometimes I catch myself dwelling on what I do not have, or what it may be like to live life as my neighbor does. I forget to be happy with the way things are in and around me, and in so doing, I create too many waves in the stream that is my life. I need some rules for this great emotion. It is time to be reminded of how affluent I really am.
Rule One: Forget about the other side of the fence and give special care to the green on your side. Chances are you have been standing on your wealth all along.
Rule Two: An upper-class heart is not found in a wallet.
Rule Three: Your needs are always met, do not force things to happen.
Rule Four: A `poor me ‘attitude does not wealth bring.
Rule Five: Choose affluent, it is a wealthy emotion!