Definition: To free from confinement, bondage, obligation,
pain, let go. To free from anything that restrains; liberation from anything
that restrains.
Synonyms: absolution, deliverance, discharge, freeing,
freedom, liberty etc.
Antonyms: hold (most noteworthy)
Release the parts of you that hate, the parts of you that
fear. Release the thoughts that hold you captive, the thoughts that keep you
lonely. Release all thoughts that keep you from experiencing each moment, the
thoughts that keep you trapped in living out the expectations of others and of
society. Release the need to be like everyone else. Allow yourself to be who
you are, even if that person is different from day to day, hey, it’s all part
of growing. Learn to release the pieces of you that do not fit the puzzle, as
you see it.
Letting go is the
first step toward getting what you most need.
Truth lies in the moment, as is. The truth, however, could
change by morning, so release the need to always know the truth; we may never
know it at all. Some believe that truth is the biggest lie? For today just be,
just see!
I have written release as a feeling many times and have not
posted until today for the simple reason that I had to first start to release a
lot of old habits myself. I found the easiest way toward release was to keep it
simple. I could use long, complicated sentences to try to explain to you how to
incorporate release into your everyday life, but there isn’t a big enough word,
or a small enough sentence that will ever do that. The choice to release what
is unhealthy and not working for you, must come from you.
Would you prefer to read long complicated sentences filled
with fancy words that hold absolutely no meaning for you, or would you rather
hear someone speak in small words that have a BIG meaning, one you do
Rule One: Let go of nonsense. Release the need to look good,
“be” good instead.
Rule Two: Keep it simple.
Rule Three: The more you release the fuller you will feel.
Practice the art of release every day.
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